The Venezuelan government will give 14.2 million dollars to help to fix the damages caused by the recent meteorological phenomena in Nicaragua, as told by President Daniel Ortega.The Nicaraguan leader made the announcement during his intervention in the plenary of the National Assembly Tuesday to request a budget reform that allows to assign more funds to repair roads damaged by the rains.Venezuela already approved a help to Nicaragua for 14.2 million dollars to face this emergency, Ortega expressed and said that the good news was told to him on the phone by Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolás Maduro.The funds, he added, will be used to guarantee roofs of zinc to 10,000 houses and to buy foods and other materials for those affected by the rains of the last weeks.Ortega also confirmed that a ship with Venezuelan fuel will arrive in Puerto Cabezas, in the Caribbean north shore of Nicaragua in the next days to supply that area which was desolated by Hurricane Felix on September 4.The remnant of the help that Caracas will give Nicaragua was determined by a technical mission of the South American country that arrived in Managua on October 19 to evaluate the damages caused by the rains in the area of the Pacific.The Venezuelan cooperation is coming in the right moment; Ortega assured, in allusion to the emergency that Nicaragua lives as a result of Felix's impact in the Atlantic, the floods in the Pacific and of a leptospirosis sprout in the west.According to calculations, the three phenomena almost caused in total 250 dead people, more than 215,000 damaged and material damages for about 400 million dollars.
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