The possibility of a regional referéndum in the Venezuelan state of Zulia is facing rejection on Wednesday by that region's parliament members and those of the National Assembly, on the alert for forestalling any divisionist attempt.
Zulia's Legislative Council members who support President Hugo Chavez appeared contrary to suggestions of that kind of action, recommended by opposition party representatives, including Un Nuevo Tiempo (a new time).
In that reference, parliamentarian Jose Luis Acosta said that separatist and secessionist proposal "is against our principles and the country's integral development."
He also revealed the existence of confidential information about that entity's Governor Manuel Rosales' participation in meetings abroad to elaborate a divisionist plan.
Acosta said reports revealed that the official attended meetings in Bolivia and Ecuador with that objective, which could lead to present a denunciation to the Supreme Court of justice and the national Parliament.
The issue was recently dealt with by Chavez, who denounced the existence of opposition strategies to consolidate positions in Zulia, Barinas, Tachira, Merida, and Apure, after which they would activate secessionist initiatives.Hence, the president has reiterated his calls to unity to his followers, with a view to consolidate positions in the regional elections on November.
Around 600 posts of governors, mayors, and legislative council members will be put to the vote at the polls, in elections considered important to the Venezuelan revolutionary project.
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