Diplomatic relations between Ecuador and Colombia are frozen in the middle of a dubious media campaign to discredit the former.Ecuadorian Government Minister Fernando Bustamante debunked Monday the Colombian newspaper "El Tiempo" publication of a photo in which Security Minister Gustavo Larrea allegedly appears with the deceased guerrilla leader Raul Reyes.
Bustamante said it was false, that it was not Larrea who appeared in the photo with Reyes, that it was rigged by political groups and international media to discredit some government officials, according to the website of the Republic"s President.
Bustamante also called attention to the fact that the action took place when foreign ministers from the Organization of American States were analyzing in Washington the violation of this country"s sovereignty by Colombia.The person in the photo with Reyes is Patricio Echegaray, leader of the Argentinean Communist Party, but "El Tiempo" daily stated it was Larrea.
For the security minister, as long as the neighboring country continues to smear his nation with false arguments and unfriendly statements, Quito will not reestablish diplomatic links with Bogota.
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